Natural Bug Spray

Homemade Bug Killer

Every summer, I whip up a batch of natural bug spray to use throughout the warm, buggy months.It's a combination of essential oils and vodka!It's easy, smells great, and helps to keep bugs away and when you get a bug bite, the lavender reduces the itche!Let me show you how!

Homemade bug spray ingredients

  • [amd-yrecipe-recipe:7]

Why homemade bug spray?

I like to reduce the number of chemicals my children are exposed to and this is a safe, natural alternative.

Homemade Bug Spray with Essential Oils

Directions for DIY Bug Spray

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Mix well and place it in a dark bottle. Shake before use.👉Do it yourself Bug Spray Bottle

  • use a glass bottle to store it, as essential oils may break down a plastic bottle

Other ways to use this blend

  • for bug bites

  • room spray

  • perfume

What are your tricks for reducing bug bites? I'd love to know.



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