Which Type Of PMS Do You Have?

Did you know there are four types of PMS?In this post, I'll explain the types of PMS and why these symptoms may occur. Then, we'll discuss some herbal remedies for you.Keep in mind...

It's common to have PMS, but not necessary.  It's possible to have no PMS each month.  {I know it's hard to believe!}

What does PMS mean?

It's Premenstrual syndrome and typically happens between day 14 and day 28 of your cycle.  So it's a good idea to begin tracking your cycle.  Day 1, is when you start bleeding.  And write down they symptoms you're experiencing.Here are the four types of PMS.

#1 PMS-A {Anxiety pattern}

Possible reasons

  • estrogen excess and progesterone insufficient

    1. HPA-related diminished stress response


  • anxiety, insomnia, irritability, emotional liability

Herbal remedies

  • Focus on anxiolytic herbs to lower anxiety-like Ashwagandha, Vervain, Passionflower, Valerian, Lavender, and Lemon Balm.

#2 PMS-C {Carbohydrate cravings}

Possible enhanced insulin binding effects: This means, it inhibits the release and production of glucose from the cells which is an integral part of reducing the glucose blood level.

Symptoms you may experience

  • sugar cravings

    1. increased appetite

    2. headache

    3. hypoglycemia

    4. heart palpitations

    5. sweating spontaneously

Focus on herbs that balance your blood sugar like gymnema sylvestre or stinging nettles.

PMS depression

#3 PMS-D {depression pattern}

Possible reasons

  • estrogen driven, you cannot clear the excessive estrogen from your body 

Symptoms include

  • depression

    1. despair

    2. crying

    3. feelings of hopelessness

    4. fatigue

    5. insomnia

    6. apathy

    7. low libido

Focus on botanicals for depression, St. John's Wort is #1.

What is PMFF Mean

Do you have PMDD? Read this post to learn more:https://taragregorio.com/pms-or-pmdd/

#4 PMS - H {Hyper-hydration pattern}

Symptoms include:

  • edema of hands and feet

    1. weight gain

    2. sense of bloating

    3. clothes feel tight

    4. breast tenderness

Focus on herbs to decrease bloating like a dandelion leaf, peppermint, chamomile, and fresh ginger root tea.

And, of course, you can have more than one! Watch this video to hear the four types of PMS.

Severe PMS

Severe PMS could be something called PMDD. Watch this video to see if you have PMDD.

PMS treatment

Read the six steps to reduce PMS here:https://taragregorio.com/6stesptoreducepms/


PMS is common but not necessary. By addressing your diet first, supplements, and gut health - you can change these symptoms.


P.S.  Ready to learn more? Book a health consultation today! 




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