Tired Of Using Tylenol For A Fever? Here Are Seven Tried And True Holistic Remedies To Reduce A Fever Fast

What if there was a better way to lower a fever? A safer way.In this post, I'll share my proven herbal and holistic methods for reducing a fever fast - naturally.

So, what is a fever?

  • Any temp over 100.4 is a fever to watch.

  • A moderate fever is 101-103.5  and is of concern.

  • A high fever is over 103.5.

But wait, always listen to your gut and call your child's pediatrician with any fever of concern and especially with children under six months of age.So, what is the secret to lowering a fever?

How to get rid of a fever fast at home

#1 Encourage your child to sleep

Encouraging your child to sleep may help them "burn" the fever off, and if you were up all night - this will give everyone a breath to relax. Some well-known, safe botanicals for children to sleep are chamomile, and lemon balm, and you can even add a single drop of valerian root tincture to a cup of tea to encourage sleep for kids over two years of again.

  • Try a cup of chamomile tea with a drop of lemon balm tincture and/or valerian root tincture to encourage sleep.

Here are 9 botanicals to help your children get to sleep fasterhttps://taragregorio.com/9-simple-shortcuts-to-help-your-child-sleep/

#2 Alternate anti-viral herbal tinctures every hour

The antivirals will help "break the fever" and reduce the need for antibiotics.Choose one antiviral and offer the correct tincture dosing to your child every hour.  Keep a close eye on them and don't overdose.

Anti-viral herbs for kids

  • Lemon Balm tea or tincture

  • Echinacea tincture

  • Elderberry syrup or tincture

  • Ginger tincture or tea {Best for older kids, the tea may increase a fever, keep that in mind for young children}

  • Garlic tincture {you can eat raw garlic for older kids and adults}

Of course, there are other anti-viral herbs, but these are my favorite for kids!

#3 Supplements

How to bring down a fever in a child naturally

Open the windows, change the sheets, make a pot of chicken soup, and try the suggestions above. You'll also want to boost their immunity with vitamins.  Consider adding in:

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc {always offer with food or they may vomit!}

#4 Essential oils for a fever

I also like to pat them down with a diluted water of peppermint essential oil. This is suggested for kids over two years of age.

  • Try 1 drop of oil per 1 cup of water and place the washcloth in the bowl.  Wipe down their back, feet, and chest if they'll let you!

#5 Homeopathic medicine for high fever in a child

I usually don't use homeopathy for fever, unless it comes on quickly after the cold weather begins {Usually Aconite 30c will help}, because it may spike the fever and with little children, you want to be careful. If you love homeopathic remedies and know how to choose the remedy, this is a good site to learn from: https://www.drhomeo.com/fever/flu-viral-fever-and-homeopathy-treatment/

Homeopathic Medicine for High Fever

#6 Tea to reduce a fever

You'll also want to offer cooling teas to toddlers and big kids. My little girl loves peppermint tea, but only use it with kids two or older. Make a cup of tea.  Cover and steep for 5 min.  Add honey for kids over one year of age.  Then cool it down with ice and offer it to your child. Some teas to consider are:

  • Spearmint

  • Lemon Balm

  • Elderflower

  • Chamomile

#7 Moxa to reduce a fever

If you love acupuncture, you can buy your own moxa sticks {I love these} and place on the point - BL2 Windgate - place the moxa on the left and right side of T2 of your child's upper back.  Make sure they don't move, so they don't get burned! Moxa is great for fast relief when you get the point correct.

Why am I picking on Tylenol? Because just one dose of medication can affect your child's gut health.  Plus, Tylenol reduces glutathione, which is an antioxidant in your body and it helps you detoxify. With less glutathione, your body has a harder time detoxifying viruses and colds.


Herbs, homeopathy, moxa, and boosting immunity with diet and supplements can help lower your child's fever fast and reduce secondary infections.  Also, keep in mind a fever is a good thing when it's not too high. 

Read that again 👈

Try to let it run its course and use herbal medicine to help soothe your child to sleep. Of course, if they are uncomfortable you can always offer conventional medication when needed.

So, do you think you'll give these a try?

Let me know in the comment area below.

xo Tara 


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