9 Postpartum Insomnia Symptoms & 5 Ways To Heal Naturally

Why are you awake while everyone else is sleeping?I spent twenty-four long months with insomnia before I discovered why this was happening to me.In this post, we'll discuss why postpartum insomnia happens and the natural remedies to help soothe you back to sleep.

What is postpartum insomnia?

It's when you cannot sleep after childbirth.  Usually, you'll notice when everyone else is sleeping and you're awake - that is a true sign.

9 Postpartum insomnia symptoms

  • anxiety when bedtime comes

  • unable to go back to sleep after a feeding

  • awake at night when everyone else is sleeping

  • OR anticipating a feeding, so you wake up to be prepared for when your child wakes

  • waking up @ 5:00 am with your heart beating out of your chest

  • anxiety during the day or excessive heart palpitations

  • tired @ 3:00pm

  • you may feel a bit depressed as well

  • if your cycle has returned you may feel this more the week before your period

Can postpartum hormones cause insomnia?

  • Yes! Your body is trying to flush out all of the hormones from your pregnancy AND if you've had twins, it's been said you may struggle with postpartum insomnia more due to these excessive hormones.

  • Additionally, when your cycle returns - you may notice you get insomnia before your period due to excessive estrogen and the inability to clear it from your body.

  • So, detoxifying the postpartum hormones with sweating and a whole foods diet is very important to healing.

  • We'll go over this in The Present Momma training.

How long can postpartum insomnia last?

  • It can last years.  Typically, women stop calling themselves "postpartum" after they reach a certain date - 6 months or a year, but insomnia began after childbirth.

So, why does postpartum insomnia happen?

There are many reasons, but some of them include:

  • sleep deprivation - your sleep gets interrupted night after night and loses its rhythm

  • hormones - after birth, your body is trying to detox from all of the hormones you've had in your body for eight months.  If you have poor detoxification pathways, you may struggle more. 

  • anxiety - when you don't sleep for weeks or months this turns into postpartum anxiety and then depression

  • environment - if you don't feel comfortable in your home or bedroom you may experience insomnia

  • trauma - or unresolved trauma that comes out after pregnancy

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Treatment for postpartum insomnia

We want to get to the root cause of your insomnia.  What I'm finding in most of my clients are two recurring themes

  • #1 The MTHFR SNPs and the inability to detox excessive hormones

  • #2 Most of us struggling postpartum, tend to have excessive estrogen and cannot clear it naturally.

  • #3 Medications don't work for us, possibly due to the MTHFR gene and we're searching for natural remedies to support us.

Here are 5 ways to heal postpartum insomnia naturally 

#1 Homeopathy for postpartum insomnia

As the alcohol in tinctures may bother you and make your insomnia worse, you may want to try homeopathy to support your insomnia.  Here are my favorite remedies.

#2 Address postpartum adrenal fatigue

#3 Address your trauma

Seek a therapist to work through any unresolved trauma. Watch this video, as I talk with my therapist about how my postpartum thoughts came back when my husband passed away.

#4 Skip the coffee and integrate these drinks everyday

#5 Add in nervines' to soothe your nervous system

  • Nervines are a category of herbs that help soothe our nervous system.

  • They can be gentle, like Chamomile or more intense as a sedative like California poppy.

  • By soothing your nervous system with herbal medicine and other holistic techniques - you'll discover you can sleep more soundly

  • Here are my favorite botanicals to soothe insomnia

#6 Add in postpartum adaptogens


You can overcome postpartum insomnia when we get to the root cause of your anxiety; healing your nervous system.  It takes time, but know it is possible to heal.  

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xo Tara


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