9 Simple Shortcuts To Help Your Child Sleep

Let me guess, your little one does not want to sleep.

It's frustrating, I know. I'm raising twins!

Wouldn't it be great if you could lull them to sleep with a natural remedy?

Think about this for a moment, if you could trust a product to soothe your child when they are sick, teething, or revved up on sugar – would you use it?

Let me show you my favorite natural remedies to help your little one sleep.

But don't forget to check with your doctor before using any new herbal remedies.

First, why is your child not sleeping?

  • Are they teething?

  • Sick?

  • Did they have too much sugar or caffeine from chocolate?

It's important to know why this is happening to determine the best remedy for your child.

So, What's the magic formula?

Here are my 9 steps to lull your little one to sleep.

  1. Try Homeopathy for teething children

  2. Encourage Chamomile tea at nighttime

  3. Integrate Herbal Tinctures to soothe anxiety and pain

  4. Cut back on the chocolate and caffeine

  5. Add Epsom Salts to tubby time to increase magnesium levels

  6. Add magnesium to their diet if they have been stressed

  7. Encourage good sleep hygiene https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/children-and-sleep

  8. Shut off the TV and tablets an hour before bed

  9. Keep their bedroom dark

Best Teething Remedies

2 Homeopathic Remedies For Teething

I'll never forget the one night my little girl stayed up until 5:00 a.m. with two doses of Tylenol in her! Her teeth were clearly bothering her. I wish I had this remedy for that one night.

#1 Coffea Cruda 30c

Symptoms: Sensitive to pain and noise. Worse at night and with touch. Shooting pain, is better for cold application. A child cannot sleep due to teething.

Product: I like the company Boiron.  Make sure you purchase 6 or 30c only.

#2 Chamomilla 30c

Symptoms: One cheek red, unbearable pains, and better for uncovering. Worse in the evening. Screaming, crying, and wanting to be held and you're thinking to go the f**k to sleep:) Your energy and thoughts are clear symptoms of this remedy!

Product:Chamomilla 30c from BoironWant to swipe my favorite homeopathic remedies for kids? Grab this freebie below

Home Remedies for Teething

3 Botanicals To Help Your Child Sleep

#1 Valerian

Known as a gentle sedative, Valerian can calm the nervous system and reduce your child's stress. It's one of the most useful relaxing nervines available to use. Due to its taste and strength, it's best used it as a combined tincture to help promote sleep when your child is sick, feverish, anxious, or diagnosed with ADHD.

#2 Passionflower

As a nervine, passionflower can be used for insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, and to help relieve pain.

  • Product to try Herb Pharm: Kids fast asleep when your little one is sick, nervous, or anxious on Sunday night.

  • Feel comforted to know, that it's made with glycerin and safe for children who weigh 25#'s or more.  Check the packaging for dosing.

#3 Chamomile Tea

Just like in the story of Peter Rabbit, his mom knew he needed rest and served him a cup of chamomile tea. Safe for children of all ages, one cup of tea can soothe inflammation, aid digestion, and relax your child's nervous system to lull them to sleep. Use as a single cup of tea or a blended recipe similar to the one below.

  • Additionally, you can use chamomile as a tincture in a little water, for a quick remedy in the middle of the night.



Herbal and homeopathic medicine can provide great support to your growing children that they can use for years to come.

Do you think you can try one of these remedies? Let me know below.

Warmly~ Tara


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