8 Common Natural Remedy Mistakes We Make While Breastfeeding

Do you love using natural remedies?

You only want the best for your children, but it's hard to learn everything while breastfeeding.

Using essential oils in diffusers and just taking one herb; like Valerian for sleep, are just some of the mistakes I see new moms make when starting to use natural remedies.

But hang on, you want to know if you or your child is at risk before integrating herbal medicine. 

Read this post first to learn how to use herbs safely; https://taragregorio.com/how-to-use-herbs-while-breastfeeding-without-fear-4-simple-steps/

So, what goes wrong?

Let's dive in.

#1 Using essential oils in a diffuser

Essential oils are amazing, but when you use the wrong ones; like Tea Tree oil, in a diffuser, this can affect your breathing.And, if you're using it in a child's room; you could be making a cough worse. Stick to safe breathing essential oils, like Lavender, if you like to use the diffuser. And, the humidifier is not the same:)

#2 Using essential oils neat - topically

Essential oils are very strong.  When used topically on the skin, or in a bath, you could burn your child's orifices.

  • For a bath? mix 1 drop of essential oil {just 1 drop!} with milk before adding this to the tub.

  • Topically on their skin? Dilute ALL essential oils with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and always start with just one drop.  It's more effective than you think!

#3 Using just one herb for insomnia

Insomnia after kids is common. 

We'll try anything to get back to sleep! Most often, insomnia runs deeper than just interrupted sleep.

Often, mom is lacking in valuable nutrients and her adrenals are on overload. 

I vlog about it here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLESYIq_dSgWBSJjc52He4ObvTgcFOBMAn

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#4 Not doing anything at all

Many moms are so worried about using herbs, so that they wait.  This is concerning when you struggle with depression and anxiety postpartum. Waiting and not doing anything at all is worse than reaching out to your doctor for medication.If you're struggling with anxiety, insomnia, or depression - ask for help! It could take years to overcome and you don't want to wait.Are you wondering which botanicals are safe for you? Swipe my favorite remedies here

#5 Using homeopathy incorrectly

The safest medicine, during the nursing years, is homeopathy, but it's hard to know how to use it correctly. In this video, I teach you how to use homeopathy for your children and the mistakes we typically make when we start using those little white tablets.

#6 Not taking enough botanicals

"What dose do I take?" is the #1 question I get all of the time. Specifically when it comes to tinctures.

  • Typically, you would take 20-60 drops, 2-3x day for one botanical.

  • When you combine herbs, it's a TOTAL of 20-60 drops, 2-3x day.

Home Remedies to Boost Breast Milk

Wondering what is a tincture? Read this post: https://taragregorio.com/what-is-a-tincture/

Tea for Breastfeeding

What about teas?

You could drink 1-2 cups of herbal tea a day to soothe anxiety and stress.

If herbs are not working for you, you'll also want to check your thyroid and vitamin levels.  Read this post, for my favorite supplements for new moms: https://taragregorio.com/11-postpartum-vitamin-supplements-every-new-mom-should-have/

#7 Drinking too much caffeine

Technically not an herbal remedy, but drinking too much coffee when nursing can create insomnia for years to come. If you're craving that second cup of coffee; especially at 3 pm - you may have adrenal exhaustion. Skip the coffee, and grab an herbal tea.  Better yet, take a nap if you can! I know, it's not easy, but your sleep is so important right now. Begin self-soothing your body, so that when the sleepless nights continue, you're able to go back to sleep more easily.

#8 Taking the wrong botanicals internally

If you love natural remedies, you'll want to learn how to use them safely. That means, avoiding the herbs that are not safe, and consuming the ones that are.


Give yourself a chance to learn how to use herbs during the nursing years, then your whole family will learn how to care for themselves for years to come. I've accidentally done all of these!

Which one will you change today? Let me know down below.

xo Tara


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